With the
Province of Ontario pushing 1.5 million housing units over 10 years,
CBC has again asked how well pre-construction buyers have been and are being protected as consumers . Not merely for risk-taking PRE-CONSTRUCTION BUYERS from 5 or 6 years ago, it's part of an issue now resonating louder and wider than merely those risk-takers.
AND there are serious conservation and urban sprawl concerns raised. And what's this doing to municipal accountability ?
Arguably the Province has slam-dunked low density neighbourhoods and overridden low density zoning in place for many decades. eg GTA now able to consider 6 plexes as of right on a ward-by-ward basis !
And arguably the Province of Ontario's various Bill 39 enactments give more than 2 dozen local mayors what some see as dictatorial powers to emasculate elected municipal Councils . Are those elected municipal councils to evolve into something like school boards ?
AND sad part of the bottom line :
Is so-called "affordable housing" realistically on the way ? Like those tax savings predicted by Mike Harris and his crew 25 years ago when purporting to justify shot-gun municipal amalgamations ? Is that an outcome worth arguably emasculating elected municipal councils ?
Fresh Homes ( Nepean in west Ottawa) by XXXX developments
CBC hears frustrated pre-construction buyers kvetching PLUS FIVE YEARS or more after pre-covid PRE-CONSTRUCTION purchase agreements were signed !
Is Toronto based developer XXXX hoping to just wait out the pre-construction buyers ?
One 2017 - 2018 buyer :
“Five years isn't what I was expecting." Would most of us either ?
Some frustrated pre-construction homebuyers told CBC they suspect the developer wants to resell the properties at a higher price.
XXX and the City respond . . .
June 19/23 CBC Ottawa
“5 years later, frustrated homebuyers still waiting for the keys. subtitle : Developer says pandemic-related complications continue to delay Baseline Road project” by Nicole Williams