Not legal advice, as usual
AT SECOND READING ( of Bill 91 ) some Ontario condominium law specialists are circulating an alert to how the Province of Ontario is proposing to amend Ontario's
Condominium Act 1998. and Regs prescribed thereto . ALREADY AT SECOND READING and as Schedule 7 of Bill 91, the CHANGE proposals can be viewed at :“Bill 91, Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023” appears to be part of an "Omnibus" type herd of multi-statute changes. It includes : "All of the above amendments come into force on October 1, 2023."
AND INTERESTINGLY - as to the pre-2018 changes under the previous administration - still shown NOT YET PROCLAIMED
( existing text at April 12/23 ) are some changes somehow still locked up / in limbo.

For example one in limbo is section 135.1 “Order for permanent removal of person”. Others have been proclaimed. Remember all the prior consultations, but maybe this is merely about digital-age communications ? ?
- from the CAO Condominium Authority website
Bill 91, Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023On April 3, 2023, the government introduced the Bill 91, Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023.
Among other things, the bill includes proposed amendments to the Condominium Act, 1998 (Condo Act) to enhance flexibility for condominium corporations (condos) to implement certain virtual processes. “ –unquote some condo specialists have scrambled to describe the proposals already at 2nd Reading :
April 3/23 DHA Ottawa Davidson Houle Allen LLP
“Proposed Changes to the Condominium Act: Facilitating Electronic Voting and Virtual Meetings”
electronic-voting-and-virtual-meetings/D Lash / Lash Condo Law :
“Virtual Meetings, E-Voting and Email Notices- Condo Act Amendments”