Suzanne :

MAYBE contributors here can provide suggestions.
You might invite - and at least consider - comments from OTHER READERS at this Forum by discreetly posting the details as your own separate topic at this Forum.
Good idea to avoid identifying individuals or location by name. See posting rules.
2 - Respectfully it would be enormously HELPFUL to you & others if the TITLE you chose for your topic could specify EXACTLY the subject matter.
Not something like "at wit's end" or "please help ! " . . whatever.
The specific subject title would allow a quicker analytical focus by others. It can also more easily be researched by future site visitors.
Respectfully, a specific subject matter like
Eg : "denied access to corporation records illegally " or
"howling cat nuisance is not being stopped by management"
"Board is under-funding Reserve Fund contrary to its distributed Plan for Future Funding"
or " nuisance violation continues with Board refusing to apply the Condominium Act"
Note that . . .
3 - Searchable at this Forum may be directly identical topics. ( & Links are also provided ).(They may be searchable in the excellent Search Forum function above here.)
But if the input seeker uses a title like " unhappy with Board", then that topic may be worthless to you or difficult to bother with . . .
4 - the Bigger Picture ?
Respectfully ANYONE living in ( or buying new into ) a shared ownership situation or common interest community RIGHT UPFRONT needs to learn the relevant provincial law & the person's own site documents backwards and forwards.
Or else be even more at the mercy of the Gods know what.
5 - American site commenters often point out CAVEAT EMPTOR.
But if buying into the experience was a risk - partially blind risk - EVEN MORE SO would be failing to learn & totally understand what your options are. They may include selling out or trying to change the situation. . .
The current Condominium Act 1998 identifies at least 6 or 8 clear remedial tools.( & some more upcoming with Bill 106 changes). But easy they ain't
6 Good luck.